What is Password Pusher?
What is this used for?
Emailing passwords is inherently insecure. The greatest risks include:
- Emailed passwords are usually sent with context to what they go to or can potentially be derived from email username, domain etc...
- Email is inherently insecure and can be intercepted at multiple points by malicious entities.
- Emailed passwords live in perpetuity (read: forever) in email archives
- Passwords in email can be retrieved and used later on if an email account is stolen, cracked, etc..
- For each password posted, a unique URL is generated that only you will know. Additionally, passwords expire after a predefined set of views are hit or time passed. Once expired, passwords are unequivocally deleted.
How do I retrieve my password?
If you requested a password reset, SBC Fire IT will send you an email or text with a URL that is similar to this: https://pwpush.com/p/xnqprokj63l4c5wi (link may expire)
You will see the following image and you may either click the blurred area or click "Copy to Clipboard"
If you click the blurred area, the password is revealed as shown below:
Please note that that password will expire and will have limited views depending on the circumstance (out on a strike team, no Internet, or access to email) so these limitations will vary per request.
If you have any questions, create a ticket at https://publicsafety511.org/HelpCenter/index.php?a=add