How to set-up MFA
As of February 7th, The County of Santa Barbara now uses MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication), anytime a County website is accessed on your phone or a computer, you will be required to verify your identify. Emails were sent out previously to most users last week as well and prior week’s warning of the impending changes.
So to help you get back to accessing your email. The following should assist:
- Are you on a computer?
- Open the “Setting up MFA on a computer for Android/iOS” (depending on your personal phone)
- Only have access to a mobile phone currently?
- Open the “Setting up MFA from a mobile device”
If doing this through a computer, we recommend to use the Microsoft Edge browser . It is available on all County machines. Click
and type in “Edge” to see the application. Edge can also be downloaded from the app store for mobile devices. Using Edge will reduce the amount of times MFA is required when accessing a county website such as email.
Once MFA has been complete. Email can be accessed through:
Be sure to update your bookmarks.
And just a reminder for the steps included, your new Primary email is your computer login name (“usually” first initial+last name)
You should be prompted to click approve on your app, or get a call if that method was setup.
Self Service Password Reset.pdf is for your benefit afterwards should you ever get locked out.
If assistance is required, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Refer to the file attachments within this article.
Self Service Password Reset.pdf
Setting up MFA from a mobile device.pdf
Setting up MFA on a Computer for Android
Setting up MFA on a Computer for iOS
If assistance is required, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Fire Information Technology Help Desk
Sean Hollins Fire Information Technology